Attheraces Speed Ratings

Attheraces Speed Ratings
June 11, 2023

Essentially, each horse is assigned a speed rating in the Daily Racing Form depending on how close their final running time is to the track record for the race. The figure is then adjusted for the impact of post position.

For example, Risen Star ran a mile and a half at Belmont Park in 2:26 2/5 – twelve-fifths of a second slower than Secretariat’s track record. He therefore earned a speed rating of 88. In this article, we will discuss about Attheraces Speed Ratings.

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Speed ratings are a powerful tool for horse racing analysis. They are based on four separate factors that combine to give a figure of how fast the horse ran in each race. These figures can be analyzed in many different ways and can be extremely useful in handicapping a race.

E1 is a European transmission standard that is similar to T1. Both are based on the Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) system and operate over copper or fiber optic wires. An E1 link transmits 2.048 Mbps of capacity using 32 channels, each with 64 kilobits per second. Two of those channels are reserved for signaling and synchronization, allowing the remaining channels to carry voice communications.

These channels are separated by time slots, each of which sends a pulse to represent the sampled analog signal. The pulses are encoded with a PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) chunk to form a digital bit stream. Each channel can carry 30 calls or data channels simultaneously.


Speed ratings are a powerful handicapping tool because they allow us to compare horses on the same scale. They are particularly useful when evaluating a horse’s performance while shipping up in class or moving to a different track.

Speed figures are calculated using a formula that converts time into lengths of stride (we use six lengths for every one second change in time). These lengths are then converted to pounds using the conversion rate of 1.5 kilograms per second. The result is a number that reveals how fast or slow the race was run and also how far back the winner finished.

Ideally, a horse should finish within five lengths of the winning time to earn a strong raw speed rating. However, if the horse was beaten by more than that length it may still be worth considering, depending on the class of the race and the track conditions.


E3 is an annual gaming convention which takes place each year in June over a three-day period. It was first held in 1995 and ran every year until 2020 when it was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the 2021 event was held online.

Speed ratings are a useful tool for handicapping races, and they can be used to find the fastest horses in a race. They are calculated based on a horse’s actual finishing time and a variety of other factors, including track size and condition.

One of the most powerful ways to use speed ratings is in combination with class ratings. A horse’s past class and speed ratings can be compared against the current race to see how well it is likely to perform. This can be especially helpful when a horse is moving up or down in class or shipping to different tracks. This chart shows how a horse’s last raw speed rating at a low-class Fair Track compares to the current race.


Speed Ratings are a simple but powerful way to analyze a horse’s performance in a race. They are based on a calculation of the actual finishing time without having to take into account the track size, type or condition at the time of the race. The higher the speed rating the better, with the top horses often achieving in the 100s.

When used in conjunction with class ratings they become even more powerful and are extremely helpful in handicapping. They can help you determine if a horse is likely to be competitive in races of different classes or on tracks that they have never run on before.

The following example shows a horse’s raw speed ratings in its last four races. You can see that it has improved dramatically in each race, but is not quite there yet when it comes to the highest raw speed rating. This should be a good sign that it will improve further.


Speed ratings allow us to analyze a horse’s performance simply and easily, without having to worry about things like what size track it ran on, what the track condition was, or how far it raced. When combined with class ratings, they become extremely powerful tools in handicapping.

For example, let’s take a look at this horse who earned the highest raw Speed Rating in its last three races, but finished 5 3/4 lengths behind the winner of a low class Fair Track race. This doesn’t look good on page one of the Pace Calculator, but if we add the Speed Rating to that pace rating, it becomes much easier to assess the quality of the race.

Adding the speed rating to this horses past pace ratings also produces a graph that allows you to see how the horse has improved or declined over time. In this case, the trend is downward, so some caution is advised.


Attheraces speed ratings are exclusive horse racing speed ratings written by speed expert Lawrence Taylor. These powerful ratings help you handicap races with confidence every day.

These ratings allow you to compare a horses performance at different tracks simply and accurately without having to consider such factors as track size, class, post position, and the conditions of the race track. Ratings are based on a horses actual finishing time and are compared to the average time of all the horses in the race. The higher the number the faster a horse ran.

Using the Pace Calculator it is a good idea to ignore any horse that finished more than five lengths back of the winner on a Fair Track. These horses are usually running in classes that are too high for them and are more likely to lose ground. It is much safer to use a horse with the highest raw speed rating from the last three races.


Speed ratings allow us to compare a horse’s performance at different tracks without having to worry about what size the track was or the condition of the track. They are extremely powerful when combined with class ratings and can be particularly useful when horses are shipping up or down in class or moving from a dirt to a turf track.

To calculate a horse’s speed rating you simply take the time recorded at each race and convert it into lengths using a formula which takes six lengths for every one second change. This gives a percentage value of the horse’s raw speed. A high number means a fast horse while a low number indicates a slower horse. You then look at the horse’s past runs and see if it has been improving or declining over the course of its career. If it is improving then it should be a strong contender in its next race.


E8 is an acronym, abbreviation or slang term that can be used to reference a horse racing speed rating. Speed ratings are powerful tools when combined with class ratings, as they allow you to determine what level a horse should compete at on any given day.

When a horse finishes a race, it earns a time and a speed rating. This information is then plotted on a graph and can be viewed by the racing public. This graph allows a quick assessment of the horse’s past races and can help handicappers to determine whether or not they will be competitive in upcoming races.

The quickest horses produce speeds in the 100s, while slower horses produce lower speeds. It is important to remember that a horse’s time and speed rating can be affected by many factors, including track size and condition and the distance of the race. This is why it is important to use the Pace Calculator to analyze a horses performance in detail.


Speed ratings allow us to see the pace of a race in one simple number without having to worry about what size track it was run on or even whether the track was fast or slow. They are based on actual finishing times, which is a very accurate measure of performance in a race.

Using class and speed ratings together can become very powerful while handicapping. When a horse is moving up in class or shipping to a different type of track and it’s not clear how competitive it will be, the Top Speed Rating can help to shed some light on that question.

If a horse earns a very high raw Speed Rating, it is worth keeping an eye on it, especially if the horse has been close to the winner in its last few races. This may be a good indication that it can keep up with or outrun the faster horses. To know more about Attheraces Speed Ratings just follow us.


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