How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic
July 21, 2023


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to get Synthetics Monitoring to work in New Relic! In this article, we will delve into the essential steps you need to follow to ensure seamless integration and effective monitoring using New Relic Synthetics. With our expert insights and detailed instructions, you’ll be able to optimize your website’s performance and surpass your competitors on Google rankings.

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What is New Relic Synthetics?

Before we dive into the details, let’s first understand what New Relic Synthetics is and why it is crucial for your website’s success. New Relic Synthetics is a powerful tool designed to monitor the performance and availability of your web applications, APIs, and critical transactions. It simulates user interactions and runs tests from multiple locations, giving you a comprehensive view of your application’s health and performance.

The Importance of Synthetics Monitoring

In today’s digital landscape, the user experience plays a pivotal role in determining the success of a website. Slow loading times and application downtime can drive away potential customers and adversely affect your search engine rankings. With Synthetics Monitoring, you can proactively identify performance bottlenecks and resolve issues before they impact your users.

Benefits of New Relic Synthetics Monitoring

  1. Real User Experience Insights: New Relic Synthetics enables you to understand how real users experience your application by simulating interactions from different locations and browsers.
  2. Proactive Issue Detection: With automated tests, you can identify performance degradation and errors even before your users notice them.
  3. Performance Benchmarking: Compare your application’s performance against industry standards and competitors to set realistic goals.
  4. Global Availability Testing: Ensure that your application performs optimally for users worldwide by running tests from multiple geographic locations.

Getting Started with New Relic Synthetics

Now that you understand the significance of Synthetics Monitoring let’s jump into the step-by-step process of getting it to work in New Relic. Follow these instructions closely to leverage the full potential of this powerful tool:

Step 1: Setting up your New Relic Account

If you don’t already have a New Relic account, head over to their website and sign up. Once you have your account set up, you can proceed to access the Synthetics Monitoring feature.

Step 2: Creating Your First Monitor

In your New Relic dashboard, navigate to the Synthetics tab and click on “Monitors.” Next, click the “Create a monitor” button. Here, you have the option to choose from different types of monitors, such as Ping, Simple Browser, and Scripted Browser.

Step 3: Configuring Monitor Settings

After selecting the monitor type, you need to configure its settings. Give your monitor a descriptive name that indicates its purpose. Set the frequency at which you want the monitor to run, and select the locations from which the tests will be conducted.

Step 4: Writing Monitor Scripts

If you’ve opted for a Scripted Browser monitor, this step requires writing a script that simulates user interactions with your application. This script should include actions like navigating to specific URLs, clicking buttons, and verifying expected results.

Step 5: Analyzing Test Results

Once your monitor is up and running, you can start analyzing the test results in the New Relic dashboard. Look for performance bottlenecks, errors, and opportunities for improvement.

Best Practices for New Relic Synthetics

To maximize the effectiveness of New Relic Synthetics, follow these best practices:

  1. Regular Testing: Set up frequent tests to monitor your application’s performance consistently.
  2. Test from Different Locations: Ensure that your application performs well for users in various regions.
  3. Test Critical Transactions: Monitor the performance of crucial transactions to identify potential issues.
  4. Optimize Performance: Act on the insights provided by Synthetics Monitoring to optimize your application’s speed and reliability.


In conclusion, New Relic Synthetics is a game-changer when it comes to monitoring the performance of your web applications. Read more about : How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effortlessly set up Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic and stay one step ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

Remember, user experience and website performance are crucial factors for Google rankings. By leveraging Synthetics Monitoring, you can proactively address issues, enhance your website’s speed, and offer an outstanding user experience.


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